5 Important Things Your Resume Say About You

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Resume talks to your prospective employer. You may think that it is just showing your academic record, work experience and other details but it tells a lot more to your recruiter. Resume reveals a lot about you which you may not have stated on it. Let’s see what all your resume can say about you:

Your Seriousness Towards The Job: Your resume is the first piece of document that decides your fate even before any employer personally meets and interviews you. If you have sent out a resume that looks as if your qualifications, achievements, experience, etc., have just been slapped together and completed in a hurry, the potential employer would know you are not at all serious for the job. Those who are serious for the job for which they’ve posted their resume, make sure that is it customized precisely according to the job opening.

Before you submit your CV or post your resume for any particular job, make sure that you have read the skill requirements etc., to update your resume accordingly. This greatly influences your potential employer and shows how serious you are for the job opening.

Your Personality: More than anything, your resume reflects your personality to a great extent. Although it is a compilation of your educational and professional life and achievements, the way you compile all of it together tells a lot about your personality. If your resume is carefully formatted and proofread, it shows how detail-oriented you are, resumes that have creative presentation reflect the creative side of the job seeker, and a resume with crisp and concise sentences for highlighting achievements, etc., represent the personality of a straightforward person. Even a quick read of your resume and any professional recruiter or interviewer can jot down your personality with your resume tone itself.

Read your resume without considering it as you own and understand what personality hints you get. You can also get your resume read by your friend or family member to know what your resume tone and look is signifying.

Your Attention To Detail: The way you present your details on your resume say a lot about your personality and one such trait reflects on your resume is your attention to detail. The recruiter or interviewer can judge in a single second whether you are a detail-oriented person or not. They’ve been through countless resumes and can easily point out the non-uniform formatting, missing date, or any other important detail from your resume.

Before you upload your resume, make sure that you have re-checked your resume, it's formatting and other little details that can present you as a sloppy person in front of your potential employer.

Your Ambitions & Career Path: Seeing the jobs that the candidate has done so far, a recruiter can easily analyze the ambitions and career path of the candidate. For a resume where there has been a gradual yet obvious growth in the jobs, it becomes clear to the recruiter that the candidate is ambitious and has a clear-cut career path that he/she is following. For those whose resume showcases jobs that are not related to one another or jobs that do not show a gradual increase in career graph only point to the non-seriousness of the candidate towards his/her future.

Your Confidence: The way you present your details, achievements, accomplishments, qualification, experience, and hobbies & interests on your resume reflect your confidence level. The language used in the resume also shows how confident the job seeker is about his/her candidature regarding the job application. Before you submit your CV on online job portal or mail it to your potential employer for a specific job opening, check the language, tone of the resume and the words used in it. This would ensure that you come across as a confident candidate, not under-confident or over-confident.

A resume is that piece of paper that creates the first impression on your potential employer. More than just talking about your educational and professional achievements, it tells a lot about you as a person as well.


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