PlacementIndia.Com - Blogs Release January 2012

You Must Know Your Career Goal

Utilize Internet For Gaining Wealth & Career Success!

The World Wide Web is a vast information storeroom, making all the tools available that you always needed, in order to succeed in your career as well as in your job search. Looking at the number of career and job search resources that are available on the Internet, anyone would become astonished.

How To Be A Leader At Work

Do you eagerly want to be a leader at work? Do you actually feel like holding a position where you'll need to be responsible enough to lead people and manage them to bring out the desired work output? If yes, then first and foremost, you should know that the power a leader wields comes from his/her personality.

More Responsibilities Elevates To Promotion!

The addition of the term 'more' before already existing plentiful 'responsibilities', might have the effect of a bad singer singing at his peak voice standing next to you. And after stabling down, the question which pops out of the mind is that why would anyone even want to have added responsibilities at work?

You Must Know Your Career Goal 

Since childhood, most of the people aspire to become a professional in a specific area. Most of the kids say that they want to become a doctor, an engineer, a policeman, an architect or an expert in any other field. However, as people grow up they become lesser specific about their job objectives.

Procrastination Causes And Solution

Firstly the question that pops into any mind is ? What Is 'Procrastination'? Procrastination is a process to postpone or delay anything needlessly. It is basically a thief of time. Sometimes procrastination is all due to poor time management skills. If you do have a time management problem then it is quite simple to suggest.

Switching Jobs With Caution

There are times when shifting from one job to another becomes the utmost priority of a professional. This switch over is not an easy step to undertake. It requires determination, courage and motivation on the part of the professional. With a person's job, his or her dear ones are emotionally attached and financially dependent.

Three Most Effective Ways To Get The Job You Want

In the world where the advent of Internet has made job search easier than ever, many talented job seekers are still not able get employment. Some of the major reasons are: unawareness of what you need, a fragile resume and not utilizing Job Boards and Employment Agencies in the most favorable manner.

Start Getting Those Interview Calls

Do you have the required skills for a job but still fail to get interview calls? Do you update your CV regularly and still don't get any calls for interview? Have you ever tried to find out why this happens? Where Does The Problem Lie? There is definitely something missing in your CV that fails.


