Trending Content on PlacementIndia Blog on April 2013

Myths Of Career Success
A competitive employment market has resulted in a scenario where all available techniques on "how to excel in one's career" are followed in a desperate attempt to achieve Career Success. Cheap guides to Career Success, written by inexperienced writers, are easily found in the market.
What To Ask In Your Job Interview
Traditional interviews used to be question and answer rounds where the hiring managers asked the questions and the candidates answered. The written and oral recommendations were trusted completely and there were often only limited responses to the job posts which qualified.
Qualities Of A Good Team Leader
Since whenever the concept of a group, herd or team has existed, the requirement of a leader or head has been there too. A leader or a head is an entity that holds the lead of the team and guides it through all the activities carried out by it.
Tips On Writing a Resume to Get a Promotion
The first and foremost requirement, when looking for a change of job profile and establishment on works for, it is very essential to get your resume in line. For recruiters, the one document that establishes the credibility at one glance is the nature and competence of a resume.


