5 Amazing Advantages Of Hiring Through A Recruitment Agency

placement consultants in Nashik

According to a Forbes report, the cost of hiring can exceed $40,000 per worker. This includes the cost of employing HR team, advertising job openings, scanning resumes, screening candidates, interviews, training, and lost productivity etc. And this was the number around four years back. Today, this cost of hiring has gone even higher. This cost can be substantially lowered when you hand over the task of hiring to a recruitment agency.

Recruitment agencies are experienced and equipped to deal with every type and volume of manpower requirements. Employers can hire these agencies by paying a specific sum and acquire the best talent for their job opening at a cost-effective price. If you are also planning to make a hire for your company, here are some amazing advantages of hiring through a recruitment agency.

They Fill Job Openings Not Interview Slots: Recruitment agencies work to fill job openings in their client company and not just line up candidates for interviews. They discuss the needs of their client to know what experience, qualification, skill set they require, what hard skills are indispensable, and what soft skills can be a plus point. As the recruitment agents seek long-term relations, they scan and filter candidates who can fill up the job postings and work for the firm for the long haul instead of just shortlisting candidates for the interview. They find job seekers who fit right into the job positions even if the number if low.

They Offer Guarantee Periods: Another great advantage of hiring through a recruitment agency is that they offer guarantee period that employers can encash. They negotiate their fees and even the probationary period for which they see their hire. If the candidate doesn’t work out in the company for the committed guarantee period, the employer can get his money (or a portion) back. Some even start over with the search all over again at a much lower cost if their sent candidate doesn’t work out. The employer does not have to pay for his rushed hiring, lack of screening, or settling with any candidate just to fill the spot. The client can set realistic goals for the new joiners and score them accordingly. Most recruitment agencies start a new search with a clearer insight into the job posting and client requirement.

They Have Field Specialization: Recruitment agencies specialize not just in recruiting the best talent from the talent pool but also in various specific fields. Employers can approach an IT recruitment agency in case they want a programmer for a vacant post. The HR manager might just search for candidates who have coding knowledge and other similar skills mentioned on their resume. But an IT recruitment agent will screen the candidate better using his coding and programming knowledge. With their field and trade specialization, they can find the exact right fit for your job opening.

They Tap On The 73% Passive Seekers Open For New Opportunities: According to a study, only 12% of the total employable populace is actively looking for job openings. 15% of the job seekers are satisfied with their jobs while there is a large pool of around 73% of workers who are not actively looking for jobs but are open to listening to new job opportunities. Recruitment agencies not just tap on the 12% actively looking for jobs but also on the 73% who are passive job seekers. Recruitment agencies don’t just look for the candidates who eagerly walk into their doors for job openings but also search through different portals and their own database to find those who are a better fit and interested in looking at the job opening.

They Improve Your Company Image: While searching for job seekers for their clients, recruitment agencies create a positive image of the company for which they are hiring in front of the candidates. They portray the company in a positive light so that the candidates show eagerness in joining the organization. In trying to sell your company effectively to the candidates, they improve the company image to a great extent in front of the large candidate pool.

These are some of the major advantages of hiring employees through a recruitment agency. You can hire recruitment agency or placement consultants in Nashik to find the best talent for your company ion not just the city but also from other regions of the state, country, and even the world. Recruitment agencies can help your company in many ways and play a crucial role in scaling your business.


2 thoughts on "5 Amazing Advantages Of Hiring Through A Recruitment Agency

  • Rubber Plastics Talent
    14 June, 2023 at 4:55 pm
    Greetings For The Day!! 1.Access to a vast talent pool and diverse candidates. 2.Save time and money by outsourcing the hiring process. 3.Benefit from specialized industry knowledge and expertise. 4.Ensure confidentiality and discretion in sensitive hires. 5.Receive post-hiring support for a smooth transition.

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