Procrastination - Causes And Solution

skills to manage my work

Firstly the question that pops into any mind is - What Is 'Procrastination'? Procrastination is a process to postpone or delay anything needlessly. It is basically a thief of time.

Sometimes procrastination is all due to poor time management skills. If you do have a time management problem then it is quite simple to suggest that you need to pick up time management skills. But in case you have good time management skills and still procrastinate, then you actually need to take a look at the following causes of procrastination.

Giving Attention To What Others Think: Are you too anxious about other's opinion about your work? Do you feel this makes you uncomfortable and delays your work? If yes, then you need to take deep breath and relax yourself from this extra burden. Just give your 100% for accomplishing your task. Don't care so much about others because if you continue doing the same, then the repercussions can be much worse.

Cognitive Distortions In case you overestimate the time required for the task or think that you will be more motivated to do it in future then you will surely delay any task.

Disorganization The lack of skills to manage the task at hand can be a big reason for delaying. If you are a procrastinator then you will surely take up the smallest and easiest tasks first while the important tasks are left out.

Introspect deep within and try to analyze the root cause of procrastination in your professional life. Ask yourself, is it a perception or is it real that I lack the skills to manage my work? If you truly lack the skill then training is an obvious option. Someone to show you the ropes will also help. Remember, change is a deliberate and continuing process that may consume some time initially but gives you a taste of success at last.


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