Most Popular Content on PlacementIndia Blog on March 2013

For The Perfect Job, Get In Touch With A Recruitment Agency 
For most people, their dream job remains a dream forever. The reasons for this may vary from person to person, some lack the expertise required, some lack the initiative to go about the job search process, and some are left behind because of lack of focus or efforts, & other such reasons.
IT Staffing Agencies: How They Help A Company 
Finding qualified candidates, without exceeding recruiting costs, has become one of the biggest challenges for an organization. In present times, loss of productivity, of even a few days, can be detrimental for the bottom line of the company. Staffing Agencies have, thus, emerged as a perfect solution to the recruitment related problems of a company.
To Make The Right Career Choice, Consult A Career Counselor 
Nowadays, everybody is familiar with the term 'Career Counselor' & there are high chances that many have themselves visited the Career Counselor, at one or the other point in their lives. Most of us might remember our last year in high school, & the regular trips that we made to the Career Counselor at school, trying to decide what subjects to choose, etc.
Tips For Avoiding Work At Home Scams 
Many of us really get excited on the prospects of working at home and making money. Indeed there is a valid point in that. But the frequency with which we hear about Work At Home Scams certainly raises certain doubts in our mind. Temptations are high when we come across those alluring advertisements of earning from within our homes but we must be able to smell the rat.


