Nervous before your interview? Follow these tips

important interview tips

Interview is a crucial phase for every person who dreams of getting a good job and thus, everyone strives for a perfect interview. Some get through it and some fail to win over the interviewer due to many reasons. But it is disheartening when despite having the right skills and experience, one fails because of lacking in other areas. Here are some important interview tips that you should follow while going for an interview.

Do not get nervous. It is just an interview and not a question of your life and death. Getting nervous makes you fumble in between and the interviewer can get a wrong impression. Be calm and composed, try to relax your mind, and be confident otherwise you will spoil the first impression on the interviewer. Remember, "First impression is the last impression".

Dress appropriately and make sure that you dress in formal attire.

Be informed about the company where you are going for an interview. Go through the company's past and present profile so that you can demonstrate how and why you will be an effective employee.

Be realistic and don't exaggerate your qualities and skills so much. Otherwise, the interviewer can get a wrong impression about you. So, better know your limits.

Introduce yourself in a simple manner; making it complex will confuse the interviewer. Highlight your accomplishments and qualification.

Be a good listener, listen to what the interviewer is asking and then, answer confidently.

Maintain a flow while answering; this makes it easier for the interviewer to evaluate you on certain parameters.

Be specific and not general. Giving general notions gives a vague impression that you don't know about the fact you were asked. If you don't know, just be truthful.

Talk about your past experience briefly and precisely. Do not extend it and make it a long story.

Therefore, respond well and be confident about what you say. Moreover, following these simple things can make you win your dream job in the end.


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