Tips To Develop A Personal Mission Statement

a job type

You need to have laser sharp focus to stand out in the crowd and make a purposeful & significant contribution to build a higher potential for success. Many business owners and managers have spent valuable time to create organizational mission statements. However, very few have gone through this process on a more individual or personal level to showcase the focus in their professional life. Your personal mission statement should be succinct and clear. Here are five suggestions to help you write a personal mission statement:

  • Reserve some uninterrupted time to think through and write the statement. Allocate at least an hour or so away from the distractions of home and work to reflect on where you are and where you want to be. Realize that the feeling of true success comes when you have a balanced lifestyle of success, family, friends, true happiness, personal health and fulfillment.
  • Identify your main purpose in life. This can be done by answering the following questions.
    1. What do you believe your primary purpose on this earth is?
    2. How will you be able to achieve this, based on how you live your life?
    3. How will you empower yourself and others with the vision behind your mission?
    4. What qualities or attributes do you admire in others and wish to embody in yourself?
    5. What principles can you learn from other successful people that could benefit you most in your work?

Use a journal to record your answers to these questions as you explore and discover who you are and what's most important to you.

  • Gather your thoughts and apply your action plan
    1. What are the five goals you are committed to achieving in your work in the next year? In the next five years and in the next ten years?
    2. What specific actions do you need to take in the next year to achieve your one-year mission? Your five-year mission? Your ten-year mission? Now, take a close look at your action plan, primary purpose, empowering vision and the right principles.
  • Once you're created your draft version, continue working on your mission statement by seeking input from others who can help you refine your ideas.

Seek out the essential elements of your life that are necessary to write your personal mission statement. Use your mission statement as a tool to guide you, it is also a job type. Keep it within your reach and visible at all times to enforce it in your life and make it a possibility.


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